Sunday, September 13, 2020

Surpreme Court

 The Supreme Court #2


    The supreme court is the highest court in the United States, It has priority and the last word on every conceivable federal case. They take appeals from other cases which are decided by the highest courts in each state. It typically rules and decides on issues revolving around the constitution. It also has the power to evaluate contracts and acts like other court decisions but has the overruling ability to appeal and have the ultimate choice. Most cases involve determining weather a law violates the constitution and they also have to evaluate each case in terms of constitutional word. In recent years something that has interested me is the topic of abortion. Some cases can easily become very tricky like the one I mentioned. Bills banning abortions sound unconstitutional due to the supreme court recognizing that it would go against the equal rights amendment. That's why the US has a strong law and continues to advance and adapt their tactics as new thoughts provoke. Another thing I found interesting regarding the supreme court is that they have a public duty rule which means that there is no constitutional right for police protection/rescue. Its a evolving place and the news and media will constantly be questioning certain cases and everyone will have there own opinions but ultimately, citizens have little to no power when it comes to politics and court systems. 


The supreme court determines whether a law violates the Constitution or not. The supreme court doesn't have to take in account state rights because they have the power to uphold the Constitution. If a state is not able to uphold the Constitution then it should secede. 


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